In these times of Covid crisis, many people ask themselves where can I train . Especially those for whom exercise is a way of life. And they do not fall into the category of exceptions like professional and promising athletes.
Use your imagination when exercising
Use your imagination when exercising. This is practical in the current situation of the Covid crisis, as these are still unfavorable for organized exercises. The halls are inaccessible for those seeking relaxation. The difference between the first spring closure and the second autumn closure in Slovenia is that professional athletes aged 15 and over can practice their activities without interruption in terms of competitions and training. The Slovenian government has added athletes with the titles Olympic, World, International and Perspective Class to the exceptions.

Sports and leisure activities are allowed
Sports and leisure activities are permitted if the participants live in the same household, in individual sports and in sports with a maximum of six participants, if a distance of at least 3 meters from one another can be maintained during training. For martial arts this means that older participants can train, but their training is usually limited by the size of the gym.
Only the best team can train

“In times of the Covid crisis, we only train with the first team. We adapt to the situation. It’s hard to train because we don’t have a clear goal in front of us. In team spirit we find common motivation for the future. Every fortnight, of course, government measures change every fortnight. As I said, our goal is to stay at least 85 percent fit. We try to stay healthy and undamaged. So we are ready to start the competition overnight. Prof. mag takes care of the physical preparation. Ladislav Mesarič, for regeneration with massages by Jure Horvat. “
We miss preparations, tournaments, trips, friends from all over the world and of course medals, ”says Kristijan Kovačič, representative the Maribor Taekwondo Club Red Power, about the current situation in the Taekwondo world..
Covid is time to correct the technic
The good thing about the current competition restrictions is that you can dedicate yourself to correcting a technique in the operating clubs for which there would be no time in the classic pre-competition period. In the ordinance on temporary restrictions on physical activity, the younger generations draw the worst because they cannot train in an organized manner.
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In some clubs they train online
In some clubs they solve the situation by practicing online. In this way, the young people retain a feeling for technology, while they more or less have to take care of their physical stamina themselves. You can do this alone or with family members. The question, however, is how much will other family members have for physical activity. Chances are, you’re the one who got used to regular physical activity and set up comfortable handy gyms in your home. Basic equipment can be found online and delivered to your home as the sports shops are closed. In our online shop you can also find some necessary equipment for a high quality workout.

We hope we have answered your question of where I can train during a covid crisis.
When performing exercises, analyze what has been done, add, change…. Do not lose contact with your trainers.